Vol. 1 No. 1 (2024): Sulu State College students’ mechanism against stressors amidst coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

The study analyzed respondents’ demographics, common stressors, coping mechanisms, and significant differences in stressors and coping mechanisms during the pandemic, revealing a significant correlation among sub-categories. It involves students of Sulu State College, Jolo, Sulu. The 214 respondents were selected using random sampling. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze problem 1. Mean and standard deviation for...

Published: 2024-07-27


  • Sulu State College students’ mechanism against stressors amidst coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

    Norenna S. Sarahadil, Masnona S. Asiri, Rolly B. Tolentino, Abdel J. Amilhamja, Halben C. Benson (Author)
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.62596/qdgkp138