About the Journal

The goal of our journal, focused on social psychology and human experience, is to investigate the complex interplay between social context and personal experiences. We cover a wide range of topics including:

  1. Social Cognition: Explore how social interactions and social judgments are influenced by cognitive processes such as attitudes, stereotypes, attribution, and social perception.

  2. Social Influence and Persuasion: Investigate the mechanisms of persuasion and how individuals are influenced by others, including compliance, obedience, and conformity.

  3. Interpersonal Relationships: Analyze the dynamics of friendships, romantic relationships, empathy, and communication, and their impact on wellbeing.

  4. Group Processes: Examine how groups operate internally, including cooperation, competitiveness, leadership dynamics, and intergroup relations.

  5. Emotions and Social Behavior: Explore how emotions affect human experience and social interactions, covering topics such as empathy, emotional intelligence, and emotional regulation.

  6. Applied Social Psychology: Publish studies with real-world implications, including applications to health behavior, consumer behavior, organizational behavior, conflict resolution, and social interventions.

  7. Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Examine how culture influences social norms, beliefs, and behaviors, and its implications on interactions, attitudes, and perceptions.



1. Publication Service Fee

StratWorks Publishing charges $220 per paper accepted for publication. A special rate of $100.00 is charged for students. Payment of the publication service fee is due upon acceptance of the manuscript and is a prerequisite for publication. An optional service for proofreading can be availed amounting to $80.00.

2. Aims and Scope

Social Psychology and Human Experience is a globally recognized publication that undergoes a rigorous peer-review process. The journal publishes advanced research in curriculum designing, instructional strategies, learning & education, organizational management, student & teachers’ performance. The journal welcomes original empirical studies. The papers might showcase different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches valuable in the advancement of education system.

3. Article Types & General Writing Guidelines

3.1. Article Types

Social Psychology and Human Experience publishes research articles of around 5,000-8,000 words and shorter research documents. We appreciate short and simple contributions to ensure timely publication. These articles will undergo a review process, with the editorial board identifying them upon submission or authors indicating their preference in the cover letter.

3.2. Writing Guidelines

StratWorks Author Services provides authors with several options to enhance their articles, such as English language editing, statistical analysis, plagiarism detection, formatting. You might also consider ways to enhance the discoverability of your paper when drafting it. Having a strong title, relevant keywords, and a well-crafted abstract is crucial for increasing the visibility of your article on search engines like Google. Please refer to the Manuscript Submission Guidelines.

4. Editorial Policies

4.1. Peer Review Policy

StratWorks Publishing prohibits the utilization of author-suggested (or recommended) reviewers at any point in the submission process, whether by means of online submission system or personal communication. Reviewers are expected to possess expertise in their respective fields and offer an unbiased evaluation of the manuscript.

4.2. Authorship

It is necessary to include all individuals who have made a significant contribution to the article as authors. Typically, a student is credited as the main author on any publication that is largely based on the student's thesis or dissertation.

4.3. Acknowledgement

All individuals who fall short of the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in a separate section. Individuals who could be acknowledged include someone who offered technical assistance, college dean, or a department head who provided general support, assistance for data gathering, etc. Acknowledgment section shall be written as a separate document to uphold anonymous review.

4.4. Conflict of Interest

Social Psychology and Human Experience encourages the authors to declare any conflict of interest and suggests you review the fair publication and good practice guidelines.

4.5. Research Ethics

Social Psychology and Human Experience upholds ethical research conduct from conducting the study to publication. The papers with human participants must include the following documents:

4.5.1. Ethical Approval

Upon submission, authors are prompted to disclose the approval obtained from the relevant ethics committee or institutional review board. Manuscripts should incorporate explanations clarifying why ethics approval and/or informed consent were not sought for a particular study in a specific geographical location.

4.5.2. Informed Consent

Authors must specify in the methods section whether participants granted informed consent for their inclusion in the study, the collection and usage of data or samples, and/or publication, as relevant.

4.6. Redundant Publication

Social Psychology and Human Experiences encourages authors to disclose any instances where the data presented in their submission have been previously published, either in full or in part. Authors are encouraged to explicitly state within both the cover letter and methods section if there is any overlap between the datasets or participants included in their submission and any prior published works.

5. Publication Policies

5.1. Publication Ethics

5.1.1. Plagiarism

Social Psychology and Human Experience and StratWorks Publishing are committed to addressing copyright infringement, plagiarism, and other violations of standards in publication. Our priority is to safeguard the rights of our authors by thoroughly examining any claims of plagiarism or improper use of published articles. Similarly, we aim at protecting the journal's reputation from any misconduct. Articles submitted will undergo plagiarism detection using specialized software.

5.1.2. Prior Publication

Previously published content and papers are typically not considered suitable for publication in any StratWorks journal. Under specific conditions, previously published material may be eligible for publication (e.g., revised methods, re-collected data).

6. Preparation and Formatting

6.1. Formatting

It is recommended to submit your manuscript in Word format and LaTeX files. Templates for Word and LaTex can be found on the Manuscript Formatting Guidelines page of our Homepage.

6.2. Figures, Tables, and other graphics

Color figures will be displayed online in color, even if they are printed in black and white. When a specific color reproduction is requested for print, StratWorks will provide cost details after receiving your accepted article.

6.3. Supplemental Materials

This journal can accommodate supplementary materials online such as datasets, images, appendices alongside the full-text of the research article. These materials are attached to the paper upon acceptance.

6.4. Referencing

Social Psychology and Human Experience follows the APA reference style guidelines. Refer to the APA guidelines to make sure your manuscript follows this reference style suggested of this journal.

6.5. English Language and Style

Authors are advised to follow the standard rules of English academic writing when drafting their papers. Ensuring the use of clear and concise language, maintaining coherence and cohesion throughout the text, and following grammatical and punctuation rules. Organizing the paper in a logical manner is crucial, ensuring a coherent introduction, body, and conclusion. Authors seeking assistance for text editing, proofreading, and translation might consider the StratWorks Language Services.

7. Further Information

Any information, questions, and additional requests for publication, should be sent to the Social Psychology and Human Experience editorial office at stratworks.editor@gmail.com.



Manuscript Formatting Guidelines

1. Author Details

Every author must include their complete name and affiliation on the manuscript cover page. Where possible, please include ORCiDs and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn). One author must be designated as the corresponding author, and their email address is typically displayed in the published article and in PDF. The affiliations of the authors indicate where the research was undertaken. Please keep in mind that once your work has been approved, you cannot modify your affiliation.

2. Abstract

Include an abstract of 200-250 words and 5-7 keywords on a separate page after the title page. The abstract should summarize the topic justification, study aim, methodology, results, and conclusions in one paragraph only.

3. Manuscript Structure

3.1. Headings and Subheadings

Empirical study manuscripts should contain sections in the following order: Introduction, Method, Results, and Discussion. Subsections should follow APA Publication Manual guidelines.

3.2. Text Styles

Papers must be submitted as Word document (.doc/.docx) or LaTex format preferably written in readable font such as Times New Roman. The paper should be single-spaced. Ensure that the paragraphs are well-structured with indentions (except the Abstract) and proper punctuations. The paper shall be written in past tense.

4. Contents

4.1. Introduction

In writing your introduction, explain why the topic is important, relevant, or timely. Highlight key studies, theories, and findings that inform your research. Identify gaps or limitations in the current literature that your study seeks to address. Clearly state the objectives or hypotheses of your study. Below are the subsections of your introduction:

  • Objectives (for qualitative studies) or hypotheses (for quantitative studies)
  • Literature review

4.2. Methods

Your methods state how you conducted your study. Describe the research design, procedures, and materials used in your study in sufficient detail to allow other researchers to replicate your work. For quantitative studies, describe the experimental procedures or interventions administered to participants. Include information about any equipment or materials used, as well as any manipulation of variables. Include the following:

  • Research design
  • Participants and Sampling
  • Data Gathering Procedure
  • Data Analysis

4.3. Results

Present the results in a logical and coherent manner, following the same order as the research questions or hypotheses outlined in the Introduction. Use a combination of text, tables, and figures to present the results. Text should summarize key findings, while tables and figures can provide detailed data and visual representations.

4.4. Discussion

Interpret the findings within the broader context of the research question, theoretical framework, and existing literature. Discuss how the results align with or diverge from previous research and theories. Discuss the limitations of your study and give recommendations on how to address them for future studies.

5. Figures and Tables

5.1. Figures

Authors are encouraged to add figures in their manuscript as this helps in indexing their papers. Figures must be in .jpeg or .png file to preserve its quality after publication. Authors might consider making their graphs and charts using statistical software and/or programming languages.

5.2. Tables

Tables should help to make the manuscript clearer and more understandable. They should be readable without referring to the text. Where applicable, in addition to the statistical significance remark, a table note should include definitions for all abbreviations used in the table, even if these definitions are also provided in the text. You may use accessible software (e.g., JASP, RStudio) to make your tables for descriptive and inferential analysis. Do not use indentions and spaces in making simulated table formats.

6. Referencing

The final reference list should include all papers reported in the main text. Works that are not cited in the primary text should not be included in the reference list. In referencing, the authors should follow the 7th edition of the APA Publication Manual. Arrange the references in alphabetical order with no numbers corresponding to each reference. Provide DOI numbers for references if possible.