Sulu State College students’ mechanism against stressors amidst coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic


  • Norenna S. Sarahadil Sulu State College Capitol Site Patikul, Sulu Author
  • Masnona S. Asiri Sulu State College Capitol Site Patikul, Sulu Author
  • Rolly B. Tolentino Sulu State College Capitol Site Patikul, Sulu Author
  • Abdel J. Amilhamja Sulu State College Capitol Site Patikul, Sulu Author
  • Halben C. Benson Sulu State College Capitol Site Patikul, Sulu Author



Sulu State College Students, Mechanism Against Stressors, Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic


The study analyzed respondents’ demographics, common stressors, coping mechanisms, and significant differences in stressors and coping mechanisms during the pandemic, revealing a significant correlation among sub-categories. It involves students of Sulu State College, Jolo, Sulu. The 214 respondents were selected using random sampling. Frequency and percentage were used to analyze problem 1. Mean and standard deviation for problems 2 and 3. A t-test and an ANOVA were used for problems 4 and 5. And correlational analysis were utilized in problem 6. It was revealed that the respondents often experienced physical stress, sometimes experienced academic and spiritual stress, seldom experienced psychological, social, and environmental stress. It was found that 107, or 50%, of the respondents are 18–25 years old, and only 43, or 20.09%, are below 18 years old. And none of the respondents are 31 years old or older. It was revealed that the respondents often experienced physical stress, sometimes experienced academic and spiritual stress, and seldom experienced psychological, social, and environmental stress. The respondents sometimes employ coping mechanisms for physical, psychological, social, and spiritual stressors. They, however, seldom employ coping mechanisms for academic and environmental stress. No significant differences were found between the stress experienced and the coping mechanisms employed by the respondents when they were grouped according to their demographic profile. No significant correlation was found between the stress experienced and the coping mechanisms employed by the respondents. It was concluded that the respondents suffered from common stressors, and they all employed coping mechanisms for the common stressors.


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How to Cite

Sarahadil, N., Asiri, M., Tolentino, R., Amilhamja, A., & Benson, H. (2024). Sulu State College students’ mechanism against stressors amidst coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND HUMAN EXPERIENCE, 1(1), 1-24.